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¿Puede tu Garmin Detectar el Coronavirus?

By 2023-09-08 19:58:44 218 comments



Si bien los smartwatches Garmin no fueron diseñados para supervisar o diagnosticar enfermedades, los científicos de las principales universidades e institutos de todo el mundo están investigando si los dispositivos wearables, como los de Garmin, pueden ayudar a identificar los primeros síntomas de enfermedades como el coronavirus.

La premisa es en realidad bastante simple.

(1) Un ritmo cardíaco elevado es signo temprano de un resfriado común, gripe o coronavirus.

(2) Los relojes inteligentes Garmin tienen incorporada la medición y monitoreo de frecuencia cardíaca y Oximetria (los mas recientes) en la muñeca.


Con estos dos componentes, la sociedad podría tener una herramienta extremadamente útil para los primeros indicios del virus a escala masiva.

Por supuesto, la forma en que la tecnología de los relojes puede ayudar a resolver las crisis actuales y futuras va mucho más allá de la medición del ritmo cardíaco y oxigenación en la sangre. Por eso Garmin se ha unido a científicos de todo el mundo para buscar respuestas sobre el potencial de los relojes inteligentes como una herramienta útil para identificar, rastrear y monitorear mejor el coronavirus.

Garmin se enorgullece de compartir algunos de los principales estudios en los que participa en Estados Unidos, así como los detalles para que los usuarios Garmin puedan unirse a la causa y formar parte de la solución.


¿Pueden los datos de los wearables predecir la enfermedad?

La Universidad de Duke ha lanzado recientemente un estudio llamado Covidentify, destinado a frenar la propagación de COVID-19 utilizando datos obtenidos de dispositivos móviles y wearables como los relojes inteligentes Garmin. Duke espera aprender a rastrear la propagación de COVID-19, comprender cuándo alguien puede ser más susceptible de contraerlo, y quién podría estar en mayor riesgo si se infecta. Se invita a los usuarios de dispositivos Garmin a que vinculen sus relojes al estudio para ayudar a los investigadores a aprender cómo el ritmo cardíaco se ve afectado por el COVID-19. También se anima a las personas sanas y que se quedan en casa a que se unan al estudio. Para obtener más información, visita este sitio para inscribirte:


¿Tu reloj inteligente es un dispositivo de detección?

Cuando tu corazón late más rápido de lo normal, puede significar que estás contrayendo un resfriado, gripe, coronavirus u otra infección viral. El estudio DETECT de Scripps Research busca determinar si el seguimiento de los cambios en el ritmo cardíaco, la actividad y el sueño, a nivel individual, pueden proporcionar una indicación temprana de una enfermedad viral como el COVID-19. Los usuarios Garmin pueden inscribirse al estudio a través de la aplicación MyDataHelps, que les permitirá sincronizar su dispositivo para proporcionar sus datos con consentimiento. Al recopilar los datos de miles de personas, los científicos esperan identificar posibles enfermedades similares a la gripe en esas personas y complementar las medidas tradicionales de respuesta a los brotes. Para obtener más información, visite este sitio:


¿Pueden los datos registrados en los dispositivos ayudar a las familias y a los médicos?

PhysioQ acaba de abrir la lista de espera para NEO, una plataforma gratuita de monitoreo de COVID-19 en el hogar, creada para que las familias puedan hacer un seguimiento de sus seres queridos a distancia. Utilizando wearables de alta calidad en los que confían los investigadores, incluyendo los relojes inteligentes y los monitores de actividad Garmin, las familias pueden estar tranquilas monitoreando desde lejos los niveles de saturación de oxígeno y el ritmo cardíaco latido a latido de sus seres queridos.

En un esfuerzo por acelerar la investigación sobre COVID-19, los datos anónimos donados por las familias serán agregados para crear una de las bases de datos COVID-19 más grandes del mundo. Muchos investigadores médicos y científicos ya han firmado el compromiso de trabajar en esta iniciativa, entre ellos el Dr. Andrew Ahn, internista e investigador que trata a los pacientes en primera línea, y el Dr. Chung-Kang Peng, Director del Centro de Biomarcadores Dinámicos y Profesor Asociado de Medicina en la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard.


"Ser capaz de monitorear la saturación de oxígeno en sangre y los intervalos entre latidos, así como la actividad y el sueño a través de los dispositivos Garmin es un verdadero cambio en el juego", dijo el Dr. Chung-Kang Peng. "Creemos que los conocimientos adquiridos a partir de estos datos pueden cambiar nuestro enfoque clínico y acelerar significativamente nuestro proceso de descubrimiento de la enfermedad", añadió el Dr. Ahn. Para más información sobre el proyecto PhysioQ NEO, visite

Estamos juntos en esto.

En estos tiempos de cambio constante, una cosa es segura: nuestra sociedad no dejará de buscar respuestas sobre esta crisis sanitaria y sobre lo que se puede hacer para evitar otra en el futuro. Garmin se enorgullece de trabajar junto a estas entidades en todo el mundo en la búsqueda de respuestas que acerquen a los científicos a la detección temprana y, con suerte, algún día, a la cura.


Articulo Escrito por:


Garmin Internacional

Lunes 27 Abril 2020

Puedes leer el articulo Orininal en este link:

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Carlos Flores 2020-05-22 22:33:31
si tu oximetria esta por debajo de 90 a nivel del mar ya tienes hipoxia, si tienes 85 o menos necesitas ayuda medica...
Eugenio 2020-06-25 18:11:50
Muy interesante. creo que con estas tecnologías que ya portamos todo el dia es infinito lo que se le podria sacar provecho
Localizar 2023-02-05 21:22:49
Gracias por compartir información útil. Saludos, David autor del blog
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Chess as a Stress Buster Chessboard might be a great activity aimed at relieving tension and improving cognitive wellness. Regardless if one is a beginner for chess or a seasoned participant, chessboard gives a great approach to unwind. Start learning the basics, comprehending the way every unit functions & acquainting oneself towards the chessboard. Frequent training could be vital; playing regularly, if within nearby associations also online, aids create strategies also improve someone’s abilities. Watching competitions through game of chess experts could offer knowledge about advanced tactics & choice-making approaches. Thinking several moves beforehand is essential in game of chess, permitting someone towards predict rivals' moves and arrange in advance. Keeping relaxed under stress, especially within contest competitions, aids mitigate stress. Chessboard should continuously become fun, having each competition giving the chance for study. Engaging through the game of chess group, via forums, groups, also events, can offer additional assistance and relationships. Chess is an ongoing adventure in learning also stress relief. So, employ chessboard to stress relief, stay participating, keep studying, and above all, have fun with the game! Chessboard development offerings Manhattan Online Chess Competitions and How for Compete Online 123fae9
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Chess as a Stress Buster Chessboard might be a great activity aimed at relieving tension and improving cognitive wellness. Regardless if one is a beginner for chess or a seasoned participant, chessboard gives a great approach to unwind. Start learning the basics, comprehending the way every unit functions & acquainting oneself towards the chessboard. Frequent training could be vital; playing regularly, if within nearby associations also online, aids create strategies also improve someone’s abilities. Watching competitions through game of chess experts could offer knowledge about advanced tactics & choice-making approaches. Thinking several moves beforehand is essential in game of chess, permitting someone towards predict rivals' moves and arrange in advance. Keeping relaxed under stress, especially within contest competitions, aids mitigate stress. Chessboard should continuously become fun, having each competition giving the chance for study. Engaging through the game of chess group, via forums, groups, also events, can offer additional assistance and relationships. Chess is an ongoing adventure in learning also stress relief. So, employ chessboard to stress relief, stay participating, keep studying, and above all, have fun with the game! Chessboard development offerings Manhattan Online Chess Competitions and How for Compete Online 123fae9
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Chess as a Stress Buster Chessboard might be a great activity aimed at relieving tension and improving cognitive wellness. Regardless if one is a beginner for chess or a seasoned participant, chessboard gives a great approach to unwind. Start learning the basics, comprehending the way every unit functions & acquainting oneself towards the chessboard. Frequent training could be vital; playing regularly, if within nearby associations also online, aids create strategies also improve someone’s abilities. Watching competitions through game of chess experts could offer knowledge about advanced tactics & choice-making approaches. Thinking several moves beforehand is essential in game of chess, permitting someone towards predict rivals' moves and arrange in advance. Keeping relaxed under stress, especially within contest competitions, aids mitigate stress. Chessboard should continuously become fun, having each competition giving the chance for study. Engaging through the game of chess group, via forums, groups, also events, can offer additional assistance and relationships. Chess is an ongoing adventure in learning also stress relief. So, employ chessboard to stress relief, stay participating, keep studying, and above all, have fun with the game! Chessboard development offerings Manhattan Online Chess Competitions and How for Compete Online 123fae9
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Chess as a Stress Buster Chessboard might be a great activity aimed at relieving tension and improving cognitive wellness. Regardless if one is a beginner for chess or a seasoned participant, chessboard gives a great approach to unwind. Start learning the basics, comprehending the way every unit functions & acquainting oneself towards the chessboard. Frequent training could be vital; playing regularly, if within nearby associations also online, aids create strategies also improve someone’s abilities. Watching competitions through game of chess experts could offer knowledge about advanced tactics & choice-making approaches. Thinking several moves beforehand is essential in game of chess, permitting someone towards predict rivals' moves and arrange in advance. Keeping relaxed under stress, especially within contest competitions, aids mitigate stress. Chessboard should continuously become fun, having each competition giving the chance for study. Engaging through the game of chess group, via forums, groups, also events, can offer additional assistance and relationships. Chess is an ongoing adventure in learning also stress relief. So, employ chessboard to stress relief, stay participating, keep studying, and above all, have fun with the game! Chessboard development offerings Manhattan Online Chess Competitions and How for Compete Online 123fae9
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Stevenseete 2024-08-23 06:52:59
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Stevenseete 2024-08-23 06:53:00
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Jasonsen 2024-08-23 17:09:34
The Rewards of the Game of Chess for Mental Growth Game of chess can be a remarkable activity what hones your mind & enhances intellectual competencies. Even if you are a novice for the game also a skilled participant, game of chess offers countless opportunities for boost problem-solving abilities, recall, & critical thought. Beginning with the basics could be important for beginners; comprehending how all piece moves also familiarizing oneself with the playing field are important phases. Exercise is key—playing frequently, whether at regional groups & online, helps one comprehend different strategies and hone someone’s abilities. Viewing competitions performed through pros gives useful knowledge about high-level tactics and choice-making processes. Considering multiple moves in advance could be essential regarding game of chess, enabling someone towards anticipate opponents' moves & plan ahead. Remaining relaxed under tension, particularly in competitive settings, might be key to maintaining focus & creating smart strategies. Chess should continuously become engaging, including every match providing a possibility towards learn. Participating in the chess network, via forums, associations, also events, may enrich someone’s adventure, offering novel insights and companionships. Chessboard might be an adventure of continuous education & improvement. Thus, dive oneself in this captivating realm, keep competing, stay studying, & essentially, delight in the journey. NYC game of chess classes aimed at expert players Upper East Side NYC Chess Presentations and Learning by that Pros a8fa390
Jasonsen 2024-08-23 17:09:35
The Rewards of the Game of Chess for Mental Growth Game of chess can be a remarkable activity what hones your mind & enhances intellectual competencies. Even if you are a novice for the game also a skilled participant, game of chess offers countless opportunities for boost problem-solving abilities, recall, & critical thought. Beginning with the basics could be important for beginners; comprehending how all piece moves also familiarizing oneself with the playing field are important phases. Exercise is key—playing frequently, whether at regional groups & online, helps one comprehend different strategies and hone someone’s abilities. Viewing competitions performed through pros gives useful knowledge about high-level tactics and choice-making processes. Considering multiple moves in advance could be essential regarding game of chess, enabling someone towards anticipate opponents' moves & plan ahead. Remaining relaxed under tension, particularly in competitive settings, might be key to maintaining focus & creating smart strategies. Chess should continuously become engaging, including every match providing a possibility towards learn. Participating in the chess network, via forums, associations, also events, may enrich someone’s adventure, offering novel insights and companionships. Chessboard might be an adventure of continuous education & improvement. Thus, dive oneself in this captivating realm, keep competing, stay studying, & essentially, delight in the journey. NYC game of chess classes aimed at expert players Upper East Side NYC Chess Presentations and Learning by that Pros a8fa390
Jasonsen 2024-08-23 17:09:36
The Rewards of the Game of Chess for Mental Growth Game of chess can be a remarkable activity what hones your mind & enhances intellectual competencies. Even if you are a novice for the game also a skilled participant, game of chess offers countless opportunities for boost problem-solving abilities, recall, & critical thought. Beginning with the basics could be important for beginners; comprehending how all piece moves also familiarizing oneself with the playing field are important phases. Exercise is key—playing frequently, whether at regional groups & online, helps one comprehend different strategies and hone someone’s abilities. Viewing competitions performed through pros gives useful knowledge about high-level tactics and choice-making processes. Considering multiple moves in advance could be essential regarding game of chess, enabling someone towards anticipate opponents' moves & plan ahead. Remaining relaxed under tension, particularly in competitive settings, might be key to maintaining focus & creating smart strategies. Chess should continuously become engaging, including every match providing a possibility towards learn. Participating in the chess network, via forums, associations, also events, may enrich someone’s adventure, offering novel insights and companionships. Chessboard might be an adventure of continuous education & improvement. Thus, dive oneself in this captivating realm, keep competing, stay studying, & essentially, delight in the journey. NYC game of chess classes aimed at expert players Upper East Side NYC Chess Presentations and Learning by that Pros a8fa390
Jasonsen 2024-08-23 17:09:37
The Rewards of the Game of Chess for Mental Growth Game of chess can be a remarkable activity what hones your mind & enhances intellectual competencies. Even if you are a novice for the game also a skilled participant, game of chess offers countless opportunities for boost problem-solving abilities, recall, & critical thought. Beginning with the basics could be important for beginners; comprehending how all piece moves also familiarizing oneself with the playing field are important phases. Exercise is key—playing frequently, whether at regional groups & online, helps one comprehend different strategies and hone someone’s abilities. Viewing competitions performed through pros gives useful knowledge about high-level tactics and choice-making processes. Considering multiple moves in advance could be essential regarding game of chess, enabling someone towards anticipate opponents' moves & plan ahead. Remaining relaxed under tension, particularly in competitive settings, might be key to maintaining focus & creating smart strategies. Chess should continuously become engaging, including every match providing a possibility towards learn. Participating in the chess network, via forums, associations, also events, may enrich someone’s adventure, offering novel insights and companionships. Chessboard might be an adventure of continuous education & improvement. Thus, dive oneself in this captivating realm, keep competing, stay studying, & essentially, delight in the journey. NYC game of chess classes aimed at expert players Upper East Side NYC Chess Presentations and Learning by that Pros a8fa390
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Stevenseete 2024-08-30 07:39:37
Переходите на страницу с самым выгодным предложением по бонусам казино онлайн -
Stevenseete 2024-08-30 07:39:38
Переходите на страницу с самым выгодным предложением по бонусам казино онлайн -
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Invitado 2024-08-31 22:17:37
Invitado 2024-09-01 15:10:42
Invitado 2024-09-01 16:31:51
Invitado 2024-09-01 17:01:18
Invitado 2024-09-01 17:01:19
Invitado 2024-09-01 20:49:49
Invitado 2024-09-01 20:49:50
Invitado 2024-09-02 16:36:21
Invitado 2024-09-02 16:36:23
Invitado 2024-09-02 18:33:24
Invitado 2024-09-03 00:21:36
Invitado 2024-09-03 03:54:30
Invitado 2024-09-03 04:41:31
hecBtZvfQjs chOiswkAxBuVKyf 2024-09-03 07:12:24
Invitado 2024-09-03 11:51:05
Invitado 2024-09-03 14:28:08
Invitado 2024-09-03 17:03:43
Invitado 2024-09-03 17:03:44
Invitado 2024-09-04 19:21:53
Invitado 2024-09-04 19:21:55
Invitado 2024-09-04 21:51:05
Invitado 2024-09-05 01:25:52
Invitado 2024-09-05 02:56:36
Invitado 2024-09-05 08:15:38
Invitado 2024-09-05 14:05:20
Invitado 2024-09-05 17:32:29
Invitado 2024-09-05 17:32:31
Invitado 2024-09-05 17:54:04
Invitado 2024-09-05 19:09:43
Invitado 2024-09-05 21:40:10
Invitado 2024-09-06 07:44:37
Invitado 2024-09-06 16:10:16
Stevenseete 2024-09-16 20:34:12
Переходите на сайт с самым выгодным количеством фриспинов онлайн -
Stevenseete 2024-09-16 20:34:13
Переходите на сайт с самым выгодным количеством фриспинов онлайн -
Stevenseete 2024-09-16 20:34:14
Переходите на сайт с самым выгодным количеством фриспинов онлайн -
Stevenseete 2024-09-16 20:34:15
Переходите на сайт с самым выгодным количеством фриспинов онлайн -
Stevenseete 2024-09-30 19:29:31
Переходите на страницу с самым прибыльным казино для Драгон Мани -
Stevenseete 2024-09-30 19:29:32
Переходите на страницу с самым прибыльным казино для Драгон Мани -
Stevenseete 2024-09-30 19:29:33
Переходите на страницу с самым прибыльным казино для Драгон Мани -
Stevenseete 2024-09-30 19:29:33
Переходите на страницу с самым прибыльным казино для Драгон Мани -
Miguelbam 2024-10-18 13:32:40 - Faith-based contemplation - Ways to nurture divine talents in your congregation fee4d01
Miguelbam 2024-10-18 13:32:41 - Faith-based contemplation - Ways to nurture divine talents in your congregation fee4d01
Miguelbam 2024-10-18 13:32:42 - Faith-based contemplation - Ways to nurture divine talents in your congregation fee4d01
Miguelbam 2024-10-18 13:32:42 - Faith-based contemplation - Ways to nurture divine talents in your congregation fee4d01
RaymondInole 2024-10-27 20:41:34
The Potential of EMDR Therapy in Traumatic Recovery. Psychological trauma might undergo intense and chronic impacts upon any individual's mental health in addition to inner well-being. Frequently triggering symptoms like recollection flashbacks, dream disturbances, and hyper vigilance. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) features surfaced as a favorable approach regarding emotional trauma recovery, offering expectancy for those people looking for alleviation by the particular debilitating effects regarding traumatic experiences. That thread examines this hope of EMDR therapy within psychological trauma recovery. The Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) distinctive two-sided stimulation approaches are generally created to assist the particular processing along with integration of traumatic remembrances, allowing folks to understand regarding their activities along with minimize the particular affective distress linked with them. Analysis features identified that will EMDR therapy can easily lead to substantial improvements in effects connected with post-traumatic strain disorder (PTSD) and various other trauma-related disorders. By simply addressing the basic result in connected with trauma along with reprocessing related bad beliefs, EMDR inspires folks for you to move outside their earlier experiences as well as recover management around their day-to-day lives. Whilst EMDR therapy could not necessarily always always be any A-size-fits-all solution intended for trauma recovery, the idea stands for the beneficial add-on for the therapeutic toolkit pertaining to psychological wellbeing professionals. Together with proceeding investigation as well as clinical advancements, EMDR holds the potential to be able to transform the actual existence connected with trauma survivors in addition to pave the way pertaining to lasting remedy along with resilience. EMDR IOP individual therapy The EMDR Therapy Concentrated Outpatient Plan: Understanding the Adventure cfee4d0
RaymondInole 2024-10-27 20:41:35
The Potential of EMDR Therapy in Traumatic Recovery. Psychological trauma might undergo intense and chronic impacts upon any individual's mental health in addition to inner well-being. Frequently triggering symptoms like recollection flashbacks, dream disturbances, and hyper vigilance. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) features surfaced as a favorable approach regarding emotional trauma recovery, offering expectancy for those people looking for alleviation by the particular debilitating effects regarding traumatic experiences. That thread examines this hope of EMDR therapy within psychological trauma recovery. The Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) distinctive two-sided stimulation approaches are generally created to assist the particular processing along with integration of traumatic remembrances, allowing folks to understand regarding their activities along with minimize the particular affective distress linked with them. Analysis features identified that will EMDR therapy can easily lead to substantial improvements in effects connected with post-traumatic strain disorder (PTSD) and various other trauma-related disorders. By simply addressing the basic result in connected with trauma along with reprocessing related bad beliefs, EMDR inspires folks for you to move outside their earlier experiences as well as recover management around their day-to-day lives. Whilst EMDR therapy could not necessarily always always be any A-size-fits-all solution intended for trauma recovery, the idea stands for the beneficial add-on for the therapeutic toolkit pertaining to psychological wellbeing professionals. Together with proceeding investigation as well as clinical advancements, EMDR holds the potential to be able to transform the actual existence connected with trauma survivors in addition to pave the way pertaining to lasting remedy along with resilience. EMDR IOP individual therapy The EMDR Therapy Concentrated Outpatient Plan: Understanding the Adventure cfee4d0
RaymondInole 2024-10-27 20:41:36
The Potential of EMDR Therapy in Traumatic Recovery. Psychological trauma might undergo intense and chronic impacts upon any individual's mental health in addition to inner well-being. Frequently triggering symptoms like recollection flashbacks, dream disturbances, and hyper vigilance. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) features surfaced as a favorable approach regarding emotional trauma recovery, offering expectancy for those people looking for alleviation by the particular debilitating effects regarding traumatic experiences. That thread examines this hope of EMDR therapy within psychological trauma recovery. The Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) distinctive two-sided stimulation approaches are generally created to assist the particular processing along with integration of traumatic remembrances, allowing folks to understand regarding their activities along with minimize the particular affective distress linked with them. Analysis features identified that will EMDR therapy can easily lead to substantial improvements in effects connected with post-traumatic strain disorder (PTSD) and various other trauma-related disorders. By simply addressing the basic result in connected with trauma along with reprocessing related bad beliefs, EMDR inspires folks for you to move outside their earlier experiences as well as recover management around their day-to-day lives. Whilst EMDR therapy could not necessarily always always be any A-size-fits-all solution intended for trauma recovery, the idea stands for the beneficial add-on for the therapeutic toolkit pertaining to psychological wellbeing professionals. Together with proceeding investigation as well as clinical advancements, EMDR holds the potential to be able to transform the actual existence connected with trauma survivors in addition to pave the way pertaining to lasting remedy along with resilience. EMDR IOP individual therapy The EMDR Therapy Concentrated Outpatient Plan: Understanding the Adventure cfee4d0
RaymondInole 2024-10-27 20:41:37
The Potential of EMDR Therapy in Traumatic Recovery. Psychological trauma might undergo intense and chronic impacts upon any individual's mental health in addition to inner well-being. Frequently triggering symptoms like recollection flashbacks, dream disturbances, and hyper vigilance. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) features surfaced as a favorable approach regarding emotional trauma recovery, offering expectancy for those people looking for alleviation by the particular debilitating effects regarding traumatic experiences. That thread examines this hope of EMDR therapy within psychological trauma recovery. The Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) distinctive two-sided stimulation approaches are generally created to assist the particular processing along with integration of traumatic remembrances, allowing folks to understand regarding their activities along with minimize the particular affective distress linked with them. Analysis features identified that will EMDR therapy can easily lead to substantial improvements in effects connected with post-traumatic strain disorder (PTSD) and various other trauma-related disorders. By simply addressing the basic result in connected with trauma along with reprocessing related bad beliefs, EMDR inspires folks for you to move outside their earlier experiences as well as recover management around their day-to-day lives. Whilst EMDR therapy could not necessarily always always be any A-size-fits-all solution intended for trauma recovery, the idea stands for the beneficial add-on for the therapeutic toolkit pertaining to psychological wellbeing professionals. Together with proceeding investigation as well as clinical advancements, EMDR holds the potential to be able to transform the actual existence connected with trauma survivors in addition to pave the way pertaining to lasting remedy along with resilience. EMDR IOP individual therapy The EMDR Therapy Concentrated Outpatient Plan: Understanding the Adventure cfee4d0
Invitado 2024-11-05 00:38:14
tonyasasal 2024-12-01 12:16:14
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tonyasasal 2024-12-01 12:16:15
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tonyasasal 2024-12-01 12:16:16
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tonyasasal 2024-12-01 12:16:17
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Aarondix 2024-12-23 08:33:45
-17% Экономия: 197 руб Охранная сигнализация Дополнительное оборудование Расходные материалы Оборудование снятое с производства vektorvideo юр лица 16158 ? Array ( BASE_PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 => 880 => 22985 TYPE_ID] => 3 => RUB => 0 => 0 FROM] => TO] => HASH] => ZERO-INF RATIO_ID] => BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб BASE_PRICE] => 880 RATIO_BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 RATIO_PRICE] => 880 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 RATIO_DISCOUNT] => 0 руб QUANTITY] => 1 ) ) --> ЗАМОК В КОМПЛЕКТЕ юр лица 22712 ?
Aarondix 2024-12-23 08:33:46
-17% Экономия: 197 руб Охранная сигнализация Дополнительное оборудование Расходные материалы Оборудование снятое с производства vektorvideo юр лица 16158 ? Array ( BASE_PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 => 880 => 22985 TYPE_ID] => 3 => RUB => 0 => 0 FROM] => TO] => HASH] => ZERO-INF RATIO_ID] => BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб BASE_PRICE] => 880 RATIO_BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 RATIO_PRICE] => 880 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 RATIO_DISCOUNT] => 0 руб QUANTITY] => 1 ) ) --> ЗАМОК В КОМПЛЕКТЕ юр лица 22712 ?
Aarondix 2024-12-23 08:33:47
-17% Экономия: 197 руб Охранная сигнализация Дополнительное оборудование Расходные материалы Оборудование снятое с производства vektorvideo юр лица 16158 ? Array ( BASE_PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 => 880 => 22985 TYPE_ID] => 3 => RUB => 0 => 0 FROM] => TO] => HASH] => ZERO-INF RATIO_ID] => BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб BASE_PRICE] => 880 RATIO_BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 RATIO_PRICE] => 880 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 RATIO_DISCOUNT] => 0 руб QUANTITY] => 1 ) ) --> ЗАМОК В КОМПЛЕКТЕ юр лица 22712 ?
Aarondix 2024-12-23 08:33:49
-17% Экономия: 197 руб Охранная сигнализация Дополнительное оборудование Расходные материалы Оборудование снятое с производства vektorvideo юр лица 16158 ? Array ( BASE_PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 PRICE] => 880 => 880 => 22985 TYPE_ID] => 3 => RUB => 0 => 0 FROM] => TO] => HASH] => ZERO-INF RATIO_ID] => BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб BASE_PRICE] => 880 RATIO_BASE_PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 руб PRICE] => 880 RATIO_PRICE] => 880 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 руб DISCOUNT] => 0 RATIO_DISCOUNT] => 0 руб QUANTITY] => 1 ) ) --> ЗАМОК В КОМПЛЕКТЕ юр лица 22712 ?